Utah Maine coon breeders typically focus on raising Maine coons in the unique environment of Utah, Which can be suitable for this breed. Utah normally faces low humidity and extreme temperatures. Maine coons, originally from colder regions, may face some challenges due to hot temperatures in some parts of Utah. However, responsible Maine coon owners can effectively manage such extreme environmental conditions for the well-being of their cats.
Utah State is famous for its natural landscapes, film festival, and Mormon community. Mountains, deserts and urban areas may influence the lifestyle of these adorable felines. Maine coons are known for their adventurous and explorative nature, and they will find enough opportunities to indulge in their curiosity with diverse landscapes in Utah. Allowing them outdoor explorations under their owner’s supervision would be the best part of their whole day.
Utah Maine coon breeders also prioritize beautiful locations with amazing outdoor spaces for establishing their catteries. They often create artificial indoor environments that suit the Maine coons. They provide their cats with quality food, enough playtime, physical exercises and different toys to engage them mentally. As a responsible owner, you can also receive tips on ensuring your cat’s health and activity by contacting a reputable breeder.
In general, the environment of Utah is good enough for Maine coon cats, but still you have to provide your pets a good place to live. It is your responsibility to give them training and quality food, so they can grow well. Otherwise, there are no such environmental issues in Utah that you would face while keeping these cats.
Maine Coon Popularity in Utah:
Maine coon breed is quite popular in Utah, with a sufficient community of cat enthusiasts and local breeders. Major factor that influences in their popularity is their adaptability. Maine coon owner doesn’t need to put in too much efforts to make them adaptable to their home. However, for their well-being, yes, owner have to give them attention.
Presence of reputable Utah Maine coon breeders is another major contributing factor to their popularity. These breeders focus on maintaining the unique and attractive characteristics of this breed. Furthermore, they bring their best cats in cat shows and events, and motivate people to pet one of them.
Maine coon itself own a charming personality, and people fall in love with them in first sight. Living in Utah with a Maine coon-like friendly companion would be awesome. You can contact to a breeder listed below if you are keen to get one. Utah Maine coon breeders can charge you around $1000 to $2500 for a Maine coon kitten.
Top Utah Maine Coon Breeders:

Here we have mentioned the list of top Utah Maine coon breeders located in different places in the state. They are reputable and registered breeders whom you can trust. Choose your nearest one to get a kitten for your family.
1. MNM Maine Coons
MNM Maine Coons cattery one of the best Utah Maine coon breeder registered by The International Cat Association (TICA). They will sell you a kitten at a high price, but their reliability and professionalism make you want to buy from them. Their location is in Sandy, Utah
Website: | https://www.mnmmainecoons.com/ |
Phone number: | +1 323-590-8670 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Location: | Sandy, Utah |
2. Auryn Maine Coons
Auryn Maine Coon cattery is located in Salt Lake City, Utah. It is another name among Utah Maine coon breeders. They are famous for producing Maine coon cats in different solid and tabby colors. They regularly show their cats in The International Cat Association (TICA) organized cat shows.
Website: | https://www.auryncats.com/ |
Phone number: | +1 435-239-3333 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Facebook Page: | https://www.facebook.com/AURYNCats |
Location: | Salt Lake City, Utah |
3. Valhalla Cattery
Valhalla Maine coon cattery is another Utah based Maine coon cattery. It is a small and home based breeder famous for breeding big-sized European Maine coons. You can interact with them by visiting their facebook page or website.
Website: | https://valhallamainecoon.com/ |
Facebook Page: | https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075112790556 |
Location: | Pleasant Grove, Utah |
4. Old Highway Maine Coons
Another well-known name among Utah Maine coon breeders is Old Highway Maine coons. They breed Maine coons along with other animal such as goats, cows, ducks and dogs at their farm, which makes their cats get along well with other pets.
Website: | https://www.oldhighwaymainecoons.com/ |
Phone number: | +1 385-403-5010 |
Email: | [email protected] |
Facebook Page: | https://www.facebook.com/difabrizio.mc |
Location: | Morgan, Utah |
Couldn’t find a Maine coon kitten from any breeder in Utah? Don’t worry, just check the breeder list located in the following neighboring states of Utah.
Caring Tips for Maine Coons in Utah:
Each pet needs some care and attention from its owner. According to the weather conditions, Utah Maine coon breeders suggest following tips to take well care of your Maine coon feline.
- Indoor temperature management
- Focus on exercise and other physical activities
- Protect them from sun heat
- Keep them hydrated in summer
- Give them proper time (Social Interactions)
- Regular grooming according to the season
Despite potential challenges in some areas, Maine coons can thrive well in Utah if given proper attention and care. Maine coon owners have to manage indoor temperatures in extreme weather. They can live happily if a proper diet, a comfortable sleeping bed and enough playtime are provided. If you are looking for a breeder to own a Maine coon, please contact only well-reputed, registered catteries and breeders. We have mentioned some reliable Utah Maine coon breeders in this article.