The white peacocks are stunning and majestic birds that proudly shows off its vibrant and uniquely shaped feathers. Peafowl’s true beauty lies in its extraordinary and colorful plumage. But white peafowl is unique and very rare. Peafowls are often kept as pets for their elegance and beauty. The male of this feathered duo is called a peacock, while the female partner is known as a peahen. The peacock flaunts its beautiful, colorful feathers to impress peahens. Peafowl are loved for their beauty and symbolic significance in public parks or zoos.
The White Peafowls:

White peafowl is typically known as “Pavo cristatus alba”. This white feathered peafowl is a rare color among all peafowl. These birds are popular for their fully white feathers, setting them apart from the typical Indian peafowl. These white birds have long tail feathers adorned with eye-shaped patterns, making their plumage truly distinctive. These white feathers are especially unique and beautiful, with a totally white background resembling a blank canvas with very cool and pretty markings..
Their striking, unique appearance and majestic look make them famous birds in various parts of the world. These birds live in South Africa, and South Asia like the Indian peafowl, and exhibit the same social and noisy behaviors. They are typically found in small groups, as they live in small flocks, and they love to make loud and special sounds in their gatherings.
The white feather bird also eats a variety of things, similar to other peafowls, such as seeds, small animals, and insects. They are known as symbols of purity and elegance in different societies. These birds appear in arts, mythology, and stories making them more alluring.
Is every White Peafowl is Albino?
Not every white peafowl is albino. White peafowl differ from albinos; they possess some color and exhibit genetic conditions. On the other hand, albinos have no color and completely lack pigmentation. White peafowl have blue eyes and albinos have red eyes. There’s a difference in both. Leucistic peacocks have less color compared to normal peacocks. But their plumage is dominantly white with the possibility of some faint coloring, especially in their eyes. It is important to differentiate between both, albino and leucistic when observing their color variations.
Short History:
White peafowls are originally native to India. They were first recorded in India during the 19th century, when the British Empire took over India. They scattered the peafowl to Europe and America, but few white peafowl still naturally exist in India. It is unclear whether white peafowl existed before the British discovered them, but the first recorded white one appeared in 1830.
The price of white peafowl depends on different factors like age, gender, pure breed, or some other specific reasons. These birds can be costly due to their rarity. The normal price of a white feathered bird can range from $400 to $1000 or even higher. It is sincere advice to buy peafowl from a reputable breeder who always prioritizes their health and is conscious about their happiness. Make sure to know the local rules, obtain a permit to keep the peafowl, and comply with the government requirements.
Nesting Habits:
They always create their nests in hidden places such as inside the trees and bushes to ensure the security of both themselves and their chicks or eggs. The breeding season for them is early summer and spring, prompting the white peafowl to actively seek a good place to build their nest. They carefully build their nest on the ground using sticks, leaves, and other natural materials to create a comfortable and hidden space for laying their eggs.
Once the nest is ready, the peahen lays a clutch of eggs, usually ranging from four to eight. She always sits on the eggs carefully to ensure proper growth, like a good responsible mother. The eggs approximately take 28 days to hatch, and during this period the peacock protects their peahen and egg from hunters. Peahen looks after the chicks after they are born, fulfilling the role of a good and attentive mum.
Their chicks stay in the nest with their mum for a year. During this period, they teach their chicks how to find food and protect themselves from hunters and other dangers. These white peafowls are loyal creatures and stick with one mate their entire lives. Male peacocks work together with their female mate to look after their chicks. This shows that peacocks are social and responsible for their families.
White peacocks can be found in various places, from South Asia to certain parts of Africa. They are native to South Asia, especially from India. And these birds have spread to other locations. They can live in different types of places, such as grounds, fields, open areas with plants and trees, and even near human houses.
In forested areas, they seek locations with nearby water sources, such as ponds and lakes, because water is a basic need for drinking and bathing in their life. They can sleep in trees, which helps protect them and give them a vantage point to spot predators. They can live in different climates and new places.
Note that white peafowls are very rare to see in the wild; Nowadays, they can only be seen in captivity.

These peacocks have white feathers with eye patterns, Including the long white tail feather. They have blue eyes, which add to their beauty and elegance. White peacocks spread their beautiful feathers, resembling “angel wings” to impress their females. They can live near their humans, forests, and grasslands. They make a loud noise when looking for their mates.
1- Size and Weight
The size of peafowl varies due to some factors like; age, genetics, health, and breed. All peafowl are not the same in size because each peafowl has a different health status from the others. Male and female sizes are always different from each other. The outstanding beauty and grandeur of these peafowl are complemented by their impressive size, weight and length.
Measures | White Peacock | White Peahen |
Length | 3 to 3.5 Feet | 2.5 to 3 Feet |
Weight | 8-13 Pounds (3.6-5.9 kg) | 6-9 Pounds (2.7 -4.1 kg) |
2- Graceful Presence
White peacocks have majestic plumage, which adds to their elegance and allure. These white birds are adorable and stunning. They have ethereal beauty and unique looks. The white peacock, with its tail, is a symbol of majestic beauty. They look like white fairies or pretty artwork. Their most attractive part is fully white feathers with white elegant tail feathers. Their blue eyes make their beauty and appearance most graceful. Their appearance is truly amazing and glamorous when they flaunt their white feathers, and look like they are dancing.
3- Feather Train
White peacocks have long, beautiful white tails that make them more pretty and different from other breeds of peafowl. Peacock and peahen have long tails, but the peacock tail is more showy and shiny than the Peahen. These white birds have flowing tails, with beautiful eye-shaped patterns that look alluring. They spread their tail and fan out like a fan. Peacocks use their impressive tail for attracting mates and establishing dominance. A feather train is a cluster of long tail feathers found in peacocks. When they want to impress a peahen, they spread their feather train. Peahens are mostly attracted to peacocks who have impressive feather trains.
4- White Plumage
White Plumage is rare in peafowl breeds, but this is a pretty and unique trait in peacocks. White plumage, caused by a genetic mutation known as leucism, inhibits the production of melanin, the unique white pigment responsible for feather color. They are highly liked because of their unique appearance.
They are kept in zoo cages for their beauty and to entertain visitors with their unique appearance. These white birds are a symbol of purity, innocence and peace. These white peafowls are different from other colors of peafowl like blue and green. They have fully white feathers which make them special, charming, glamorous, and visually striking.
5- Eye Color
They have blue eyes because of a special gene that eliminates less melanin, which is the pigment responsible for feathers’ colors. The blue eyes of white birds enhance the beauty of pure white feathers. Their eye color adds to their alluring, activating beauty and making them overall charm. The blue color of the eyes depends on the amount of melanin in their irises. It can be changed from darker blue to bright blue or sometimes even gray.
Facts about White Peacocks:
We are going to enlist some important facts about white peacocks that are necessary to mention here.
1- Behavior
These white birds live in groups. White Peacocks fan out their tail to impress the peahen. White peahen make a nest on the ground to lay eggs, and normally peahen incubates the egg for 28 days. Both parents look after the chicks. White peacock is responsible for protecting his mate and chicks. They communicate with noisy and hard voices. In their flock, there is always a male strong leader, who protects the flock, and young peacocks obey his order.
2- Vocalization
White peafowl communicate in groups with loud voices and make noise. Peacock makes a loud voice to impress the peahen. They also use loud voices to alert the flock to danger. Sometimes they make noise to keep the group in contact. They also make noise when facing threat and aggression. They vocalize when building the nest and while incubating the eggs. They communicate when they teach their chicks how to survive.
3- White Peafowl Have a Genetic Mutation
White peafowls are normally referred to as albino, but in reality, albinism has red eyes and properly pale skin. On the other hand, the white peafowl have blue eyes and lack pigmentation in their feathers. Albino peafowl is also extremely rare. In a study in 1965, 99 birds out of 8 species had albinism, including quail. White birds always have normal-colored eyes, pigmented skin, and their white feathers are a result of leucism genetic mutation, which inhibits melanin deposition in their feathers.
4- They Are Always of the Indian Species
White birds have a unique genetic mutation called leucism, and this trait is exclusive to the Indian peafowl species. Indian peafowl, or peacock, is the most common breed among all the peafowl. The male is known for their colorful feathers, featuring shiny bright green and blues. Peachen are not as colorful as compared to peacocks, but they have blue or green necks.
5- They’re Actually Born Yellow:
White peacocks are yellow when they are born, and when they get young their iconic color “white plumage” develops. Baby peafowls are always called peachicks, and they are born in groups of 3-6. Peachicks are light brown, and look like young pheasants, but only when they’re not leucistic. After 1-3 years, the white female bird will develop white plumage over time, just as peacocks get their color.
6- White Peafowl Are Sacred to Some
White Peafowl are usually known as the symbol of “Jesus Christ”. In Buddhism, they are known as peace and a symbol of nirvana. In India, white peacocks are believed to bring good luck and good things to human’s life. White birds are a symbol of a clean feeling, a relaxed mind, and clean thought.
Caring Steps for White Peafowls:
When you keep a peafowl at your home, farmhouse or garden, you have a responsibility for their care. You have to pay attention to them. You must ensure to fulfill their needs, bringing both, their feed, and at times, emergency medicines.
For their well-being, take care of them properly, and provide them with a safe environment, and ensure a balanced diet. Make sure they have proper access to clean and fresh water. Grooming is essential, including trimming their long feathers when needed.
1- Social Interaction
They are social birds and live in groups. Their flocks are up to 50 Individuals. These flocks are made up of related peahens and their young babies. The peacocks join them in the breeding season. White peacocks have a special order where the strongest peacock is at the top. A stronger peacock protects the group and others obey him.
They communicate in groups through different vocalizations and body language. They alert each other from danger with a specific voice. These birds also use their body language to chat with their mate. When the peacock wishes to impress the peahen, he fans out his beautiful tail feathers. So, you should keep a couple of peafowls for entertainment. They can not be happy alone; they need companionship. Their companionship is essential for their health, and joy.
2- Grooming
White peacocks are very neat birds, and they dislike dirt around them. They love to groom themselves, cleaning their feathers by using their claws and beak to remove the loose feathers and dirt. They use their beak to remove the dirt and tangle from their feathers, helping them stay smooth and shiny. Grooming is important for their health and attractiveness.
For their bathing, you should provide them with a dust bath. To Make a dust bath, take a shallow container with dry sand. Place that container in a sunny place to allow your pet to warm up before and after bathing. Mist them with water to help remove dirt, but be careful not to over mist, as over misting may cause them to be cold. Brush their feathers to remove the dirt and tangle the loose feathers. Trim their nails with high-quality bird nail clippers.
3- Shelter
The shelter is a most basic need for them. Shelter protects them from hunters, extreme weathers and other potential dangers. The shelter must be well-ventilated with natural light and air, and it should be easy to clean. Provide them shelter in a sunny, well-drained spot, and place the shelter near the water source. They are so sensitive, so provide them with a well-insulated and airy environment. Ensure their easy access to food and water within the shelter. The shelter must have enough space, and be large enough for your white peafowl to easily move and walk in it.
4- Veterinary Care
For their good health, they require regular veterinary care. The white peafowls need a wellness checkup once in a year. In this check-up, the vet takes a fecal sample for testing, checks the weight, and collects blood samples, for an overall health assessment.
Vaccination is also important for their health to protect them from disease. They should be vaccinated according to the vet’s recommendations. If they feel ill or injured, it is important to provide proper prompt check-ups and treatments. Provide them with a healthy and clean diet, including fresh water that makes them fit.
5- Protect the Plumage
A healthy diet is really important for protecting the plumage. A balanced diet makes their feathers healthy and strong. So give them the perfect feed with the quality they need. Give them fruit, vegetables, and insects as supplements. Keep their shelter sanitary and clean, because bacteria are harmful to their health and plumage. Brush their feathers with a soft brush and remove the dirt from their feathers.
Now we know white peafowls are beautiful and cool creatures of God. They are known as white beauty, like white blank canvas. They are often known as albino peafowl, but albino and white birds are different from each other. White peafowls live long with good health as other peafowl breeds. They love to live in groups and their favorite part is making loud voices together in a group. These birds make their nest with sticks, leaves, grass, and bushes. The female peafowl lay eggs in the nest and incubate them in their nest.
In their group, strong white peacocks are leaders, and the other peacocks obey them. These white peacocks protect their peahen and chick. The peacocks have the responsibility to feed their peahens and chicks. Peacocks fan out their white train to impress their female mate. They groom themselves with their beak, clean their feathers and train.